
The show was an exploration of organic abstraction with various media: colored and graphite pencils, pen & ink, watercolor and marker. The hope was that viewers experienced the show like staring at clouds to see the forms they hide: with wonder and imagination.

I present to you, “Organism.” 

The show is a philosophical embrace of life and the most characteristic trait in life— uncertainty. 

The last eighteen months of life, living through COVID-19, lockdown in New York City, dealing with familial loss and the birth of my daughter, pulls me to move outside, above and through the Collective Consciousness, to look at who we are as humans and our experiences in this plane and craft a narrative through it. 

“Organism” is this narrative. 

As viewers and participants, we see the pieces and we recognize forms or textures, even in abstraction. We interpret them as possible forms of life, or beginnings as embryos; as cells or as complex systems. 

I’ve chosen to work in graphite, pencil, marker and pen & ink. The finer point of the stylus was integral to communicating intimate detail and delicate, fragile, life. Any paints are washes and texture, giving focus to the lines.

My work sets out to encourage this blurring of interpretation and enable thoughts about what makes up life, as well as what life can be. Through the work, we receive permission to embrace chaos and uncertainty.

I invite you to view the work, first, purely through your default filter. 

Then, I invite you to re-evaluate, letting go of certainty, order and expectation.

SAAC • Price Gallery
South Arkansas Arts Center

April 4 — 27th, 2023


Hysteria (2024)


Side Streets (2023)